Remember in Star Trek where the unnamed ensign would walk up to Captain
Picard or Sisko and hand him a datapad to quickly look at the day's
orders for a quick approval?
Not Kirk; his unnamed ensigns were foxier but all he
got was a busted old aluminum clipboard. I mean the
PADD, the Personal Access
Display Device, the super futuristic thinscreen tablet computer
thingy that served the role of notepad in recent Star Treks.
My iPhone is exactly like that.
My early morning coffee + newspaper + cat ritual now has a new
addition, my PADD. Quick email check early in the morning with my
super futuristic iPhonePADD. There's something very appealing about the
smooth face of the device and the great screen that makes it welcome
even in a bleary eyed morning.
Props to
goldman for
his lightning nerd memory of the name PADD