I've been noodling around with doing weblog stats using the Python interface to gdchart. I'd forgotten how much fun scripting languages can be. I can lay down a lot of sloppy code quickly and get the information I need. So much simpler that the burden of Software Architecture!

gdchart is good software; simple code to draw graphs and save them as GIF or PNG files. The Python interface makes it really easy to do some serious charting.

gdchart.chart(gdchart.GDC_LINE, (450, 250),
   outputBase + ".png",
     time.localtime(day[0])) for day in dispReaders],
   [day[1][0] for day in dispReaders],
   [len(day[1][1]) for day in dispReaders],
   [day[1][2] for day in dispReaders],
   [len(day[1][3]) for day in dispReaders])
  2003-03-09 00:00 Z