Spurred by Mark's message about cruft-free URLs, the Blosxom list has been full of discussion about how to do good permalinks in Blosxom. There's been some confusion; Blosxom has quite clean permalinks.

Blosxom supports two kind of permalinks: date based and file based.

Date-based permalinks look like this:

They are a link to the day's stories with an anchor to position the reader at the specific story in the page. One way to generate these is via the flavour pattern $url/$yr/$mo_num/$da#$fn

File-based permalinks look like this:

They are a link to the specific entry; nothing else will display. One way to generate these is via the flavour pattern $url$path/$fn.$flavour

blosxom.cgi, with no flavour files installed, uses date-based links. So do the flavours in the Blosxom flavour sampler. Many of us, including the author of Blosxom, prefer file-based permalinks. The joy of Blosxom is either kind of permalink will work. By editing flavour files you can easily decide which style you serve.

Personally I think the date-styled permalinks are crazy and Blosxom's defaults should be file-based.

  2003-08-17 18:06 Z