The updater for Adobe Reader is bad software. It pops up
an irritating window everytime I try to read a PDF telling me to
upgrade, interrupting whatever it was I was trying to do. I finally
succumbed and clicked "update", at which point it pops up a second window
to show download progress. You can hide that window (where it bizarrely
goes to a tray icon, not the tray), but when it's done it pops up
again and pops up a second window asking if I want to now install the
software. Sure, I'll install, and guess what? Now it wants me to
reboot! So I click "don't reboot" and just for revenge it pops up one
more Reader window, empty this time.
In summary: a minor software update causes 4 windows and a tray icon
to pop up and requires three mouse clicks and a reboot to install.
Smooth going, Adobe. Somewhere inside Reader there's a good document
engine struggling to be free, but it sure is buried behind a lot of
Update: I haven't rebooted, and now
everytime I launch Reader an alert pops up (and beeps) saying "you
must restart your system before you can do another update". I don't
want to update or reboot, I just want to read something in your damned
proprietary format!
Update 2: I rebooted, to be greated with a
dialog that Reader wants me to reboot again! Whee!