I have a soft spot in my heart for the friendly brasserie Le Dauphin even if it may not be among Paris' best restaurants. It's conveniently located near the Louvre at 167 Rue Saint-Honoré, the staff is friendly and easily accomodates English (or Japanese), it's open for dinner on Sundays, and it's lively but easy to get a table at.

The food is good and solid. They have a southwestern France bent (cassoulet, etc), but the menu is generally typical brasserie fare with some well considered specials. And while 37€ isn't cheap for a three course menu it's not bad for the quality and location. Ken and I always seem to end up here on our first night in Paris (it's near the hotel we favour) and for that, it satisfies.

18 years ago   2006-09-05 22:00 Z