Neither Ken nor I are naturally tidy. Newspapers accumulate in the
living room until trash day, I leave three pairs of shoes under the
coffee table, Ken left one unsuccessful Christmas present right where
it was unwrapped until April. We're not totally filthy slobs, but the
clutter accumulates.
When we were in Paris we tried an experiment of complete order.
Nothing stayed out where it didn't belong. Books on bookshelves,
magazines in a neat pile out of sight, electronics and eyeglasses
stored away in drawers. It was easy to start since the apartment was
entirely orderly when we arrived. And we found keeping a tidy home was
actually pleasant.
So now we're bringing order to our home in San Francisco.
So far we've
organized the living room and dining room; the bedroom comes next.
I'm finding that
having less clutter in my life makes me calm and happy.
next step for me is to throw away, give away, or sell a bunch of the
crap I've accumulated and no longer want.