The best part of my trip to France last month was poking around the
Southwest. Carcassonne, the Lot, Perigord, the Dordogne. Beautiful,
restful, lots of interesting little towns. Below is
some of the nice things we found.
See also my
notes on restaurants from the trip and
my photos.
Here are some notes about some of the more memorable places we dined
in France (in
addition to the
frites place). I'm not a food critic, so this may be boring, but
maybe it'll be helpful for people looking for places to go in Paris or
in the Southwest.
Ken and I are food tourists and we eat well in France. But sometimes
we get tired of foie gras, delicate vegetables, and French menus
(just what are St. Jacques' nuts? Mussels? Scallops? Clams?)
When we get overwhelmed and want comfort food in Paris, Ken and I head to one
of several steak-and-fries places.
Couldn't be simpler. You sit down and the waitress immediately hands
you a little salad (walnuts, mustard dressing). No menu, just two
questions. How do you want the steak cooked? A point. Do you want
wine? Yes. (But get the wine list: the house red is awful.) The waitress
swiftly comes back with a plate of delicious steak bathed in a yummy
mustard and sage sauce, along with some perfect pommes frites. You eat
your steak and fries, they bring you a second helping (kept warm over
candles), and then it's on to dessert. Skip dessert.
The whole process is the opposite of the usual French temple-of-food experience. But it's very satisfying and, judging by all the Parisians we see there, quite popular with the locals. The restaurants are a franchise. We've been to Le Relais de l'Entrecôte in the 6th (20bis rue St. Benoit, conveniently a block from St. Germain de Prés) and Le Relais de Venise in the 17th (271 bd. Péreire). The joint in the 6th even has the same 1945 Cognac Rouyer poster I have at home! Half the blogerati have been
there too