![]() Cordless controllers are essential for the lounging-on-couch gaming experience. And the Logitech hardware is quality. Sturdy, responsive, long battery life. Game controllers are complex: two analog joysticks, six or more force sensitive buttons, a couple of vibrating motors. Quality pays off. But what's best about these controllers is they aren't infrared, they're 2.4GHz radio. That means no line of site required, 50 foot range, and the reliability is rock solid. Radio is so much better than IR I'm suprised all quality audio/video gear doesn't use it. Maybe it's the battery life.
For the longest time now I've been
filtering my spam,
but still storing it into folders. The theory was I'd examine those folders
and make sure nothing valuable slipped through.
Of course that never happened, and instead I'd just go delete
megabytes of crap every few days.
Yesterday I changed my mail setup to just automatically delete spam. And worms. And bounces from spam forged in my name. No longer storing it, just delete it. The psychological difference is enormous. My mailbox feels much lighter. I no longer have the pressure of "1000 unread messages in folder spam". Then again if you need to mail me a Windows executable I won't ever see it. I archive absolutely all my mail, including spam. But I never even look at the archive files, so it's no big deal. Last I checked, ⅔ of my mail was spam.
If you're on a technical mailing list and you need some help getting
your program to work, ask your question. But if you're someone I've
never heard of before and you say "this is an urgent question", I'm
going to ignore you. See also esr's essay
"How To Ask Questions The
Smart Way".
Saddam Hussein did a better job keeping dangerous
explosives out of the hands of terrorists than George Bush.
Or as we learn in today's
NYT, 380 tons of very dangerous explosives have gone
missing in Iraq. Despite the fact that we knew about them and were
explicitly asked by the International Atomic Energy Agency to safeguard this particular cache.
The bomb that brought down Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland,
in 1988 used less than a pound of the same type of material, and
larger amounts were apparently used in the bombing of a housing
complex in November 2003 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and the blasts in a
Moscow apartment complex in September 1999 that killed nearly 300
people. The explosives could also be used to trigger a nuclear
But shhh! George Bush is making us safer by invading Iraq. Despite the
fact that Iraq was in no way a threat to the US. At least, it wasn't a threat until we
destroyed the country and turned it into a haven for terrorists.
Great article
in the NYT today about how the GOP plans to steal the election in
Ohio. They've signed up 3600 people to be "poll watchers", hanging out
in heavily Democratic districts and challenge whether specific voters
have the right to vote. They may or may not catch a few people
improperly registered, but that's not the point. The point is to make
voting in Democratic districts really upleasant.
"Our concern is Republicans will be challenging in large numbers for
the purpose of slowing down voting, because challenging takes a long
time,'' said David Sullivan, the voter protection coordinator for the
national Democratic Party in Ohio. "And creating long lines causes our
people to leave without voting.''
As usual, the Democrats are now trying to match the Republicans for
dirty tricks but aren't doing as good a job at it. They've got 2000
poll watchers of their own in Ohio.
In the rare event your erection lasts for more than four hours, seek
immediate medical attention.
Britney Spears does not appear in this film.
I'm travelling, I'm in a
Hyatt in San
Diego. Here's what it costs me to make a phone call:
The Philips Key 010 key ring
camera is bad hardware. Clever product: a camera so tiny (3.5" x
1.2" x 0.8") you always have it in your pocket, but higher resolution
(1600x1200) than a camera phone. For $125 at
Amazon you also get 128 megs of storage and a good Lithium polymer
battery. Sure, it has no screen, but with room for 500 photos just
shoot, shoot, shoot.
![]() I bought this after reading a review on Engadget. The gadget factor is good: USB interface, simple UI. But the photo quality is just useless.
Jeremy likes
his. His expectations were lower.
![]() The TiVo has an awful IR interface to change channels on the General Instrument cable box. I have to use the cable box thanks to Comcast's evil channel encryption. But the cable box has no channel changing interface, so we're stuck with emulating the remote control IR codes. For four years this has worked fine with the TiVo set to IR code 00093. Last week the number 6 stopped working. This isn't general IR flakiness, it was specific to the number 6. So after hunting around a bit I find that now I have to use IR code 10006 instead. And it works. I feel like The Prisoner. Arbitrary meaningless punishment.
Update: thanks to the fabulous
I now know this is a
issue. Amazing. Why did this just change?
Todd says it's a cable
box firmware update. Maybe when I got HBO last week. Don't you love technology?
![]() I finally figured it out. The Apple video hardware detects the resolutions that the VGA display can handle. If you plug the miniDVI dongle into the laptop with no monitor or projector plugged in to the dongle, the laptop can't detect any resolutions and so drops to 800x600. If you plug the monitor or projector into the dongle first, then plug in the dongle, the laptop will detect resolutions correctly. Or you can force it to redetect by selecting the "detect displays" option in the control panel / menu bar. I still have this problem where it only detects 1280x1024 on the projectors I plug my laptop in, not 1024x768. But my LCD can only do 1024x768. That means if I want display mirroring, I'm forced to use 800x600. Grr. Apple's attempt to make things simple doesn't quite work. Anyone know of a way to override the resolutions? PS: what the hell was Apple thinking not putting a VGA port on their laptops? I hate the stupid dongle. The 12" laptop is the worst, it's not even a standard DVI port. ![]() Contemporary simulation games are much more complex. The Sims 2 has an enormous amount of depth, complex social interactions and detailed dollhouse environments. And the Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 demo just blew my mind. Simulations of everything from your total park finances down to the details of what colour balloons your peeps are holding in their hands and how much extra for onions on the hot dogs. The problem with all this complexity is it can be opaque and frustrating. Good sim games expose details of the simulation without revealing too much of how it works. SimCity 4 failed for me; despite reading the strategy guide and various websites I never could figure out the correlation between choices I made and what happened to my city. The Sims 2 has a different take on this problem by making it basically OK to do anything. Yeah, it might be hard to make your Sim the smartest professor who gets the most woohoo, but you can have fun anyway just stumbling along and making him wet himself in front of guests. I can't tell from the RCT3 demo whether they've got the right balance of complexity and approachability, and the interface is awfully complex, about 100 screens. Sure is pretty though. ![]() What's wonderful about Fable is that the innovations in gameplay make for a really compelling narrative experience. I feel like I'm the hero of a classic adventure story, not just visiting the nodes in an RPG story graph. Little touches like the townspeople calling out to you, your character getting older and more careworn, or the complex ways your personality changes in response to your actions. It's a real step forward. Molyneux is one of the most hyped game designers ever. Deservedly so, because his games are consistently innovative. Populous, Magic Carpet, Dungeon Keeper, Black & White; they're all huge achievments. Molyneux's apology is that Fable doesn't quite live up to the hype, that it only has 15 innovative features and not the 25 he promised. I can live with that.
During last night's debate, Bush bragged
"10 million people have registered to vote in Afghanistan in the
upcoming presidential election".
But there are
fewer than 10 million eligible
voters in Afghanistan. Democracy is so successful, folks are taking
two helpings! And the election has been "upcoming" for a long time, postponed
twice because there is no safety. Go Bush!