I switched from Linux to Windows as my desktop shell back in 1999
because Netscape was awful and MSIE was good. Now it's 2004 and
Mozilla has gotten really good and MSIE is still, well, good. Here
are some persistent MSIE bugs that I really hate:
Python has a fancy CSV
module. But near as I can tell, despite all its support for
formats and headers and DictReaders it doesn't have a simple way to
say "give me my data in a list of dictionaries with headers as keys".
Here's the best I could do:
# Grab the headers first headerReader = csv.reader(fp) headers = headerReader.next() # Now construct a second reader on the same # file stream to get the actual data dataReader = csv.DictReader(fp, headers) for d in dataReader: print dThat feels spooky, but it works. ![]() CoH still suffers from the same level treadmill that all online games seem to. And the storytelling isn't that great. But it's really a pretty fun game. This is the first online game I've seen where playing together with strangers is actually entertaining. The game got more fun for me when I created a pure healer character, where the only way I can even play is to find other folks to play with. It's good amusement. I still wish the game had better support for story. The whole point of being a superhero is you're saving the world from bad guys. But in this game the bad guy supply is inexhaustible. Any time day or night if I walk down a street in Galaxy City I'm going to see a group of bad guys. And if I "arrest" them, walk away past the clipping region and walk back, there will be another group right there. Nothing changes. This is a difficult gameplay mechanic to avoid in MMOGs, but it's still dumb.
Why does San Francisco always smell like urine?
![]() The film is ostensibly about space aliens that come to New York to kill heroin users at the moment of orgasm to capture opiates in their brain. Or something. But really the movie is a beautiful and lyrical exposition of the New Wave scene, with amazing costumes, makeup, and soundtrack. Anne Carlisle makes an amazing dual appearance as both Margaret, the Connecticut girl turned bisexual punk model, and Jimmy, the nasty little queer boy model. It's kind of like the Warhol scene, only much cooler.
So I came to New York, where I learned to be beautiful was to be
androgynous. So I became androgynous, no less than David Bowie
I'm not saying it's a good movie. But it's great.
You must watch the Brini
Maxwell show on the Style network. It's an absolutely
fabulous home style and cooking show, in the genre of poor Martha
Stewart's show only much, much more fun.
![]() See a video sample or enjoy her tips on making art with pills. For yet more, see her LiveJournal fan community. Thanks to FJ!! for
pointing me to this show
I give the Bush campaign credit for their evil powers. There's a
debate about the war record of Bush and Kerry.
Whose service are we questioning?
Are we talking about the Texas Air National Guardsman who
flitted off to Alabama where no one can tell if he he really showed up
for duty and he even lost his pilot qualification before leaving early
to go back to school?
No, we're debating the record of the the man who went to Vietnam and was
awarded many medals for his leadership and service.
To win an election, the first thing you have to do is control the terms of the debate.
The giant new
Indian casino for the Bay Area
that was approved by the Governor who claimed to be anti-casino? Seems
like the
fix was in:
Maloof Sports and Entertainment — the management team hired to run
the new, Costco-size San Pablo Casino for the
Lytton Band of Pomo
Indians — hosted a party back in February that raised more than $1
million for Schwarzenegger's political coffers.
We're supposed to believe that he approved a giant new casino without
knowing who would run it and that by happy coincidence the managing
company just happened to be a major campaign contributer.
The governor's office claims Schwarzenegger didn't know the Maloof family was going to manage the casino until after the agreement had been reached.
One nice thing about Python is triple-quotes and string
substitution make writing templates really simple
page = ''' <html><head> <title>%(title)s</title> </head><body> <h1>%(title)s</h1> The time is %(time)s. </body></html> ''' print page % { 'title': "Time of day", 'time': time.asctime() } The HTML is all by itself with only the simplest Python in the middle of it. And the substitutions are named, not positional, so it's self-documenting. You can substitute the same text more than once. And if you want to be clever, you can use locals() in place of the hand-crafted dictionary to directly substitute Python symbols.
often complain they don't want to learn Python because it uses
whitespace instead of braces to express program structure.
I used to whine about this too, used it as a lazy
excuse not to learn the language. Then I got over it and
Python and found I loved it. Even the whitespace thing. Less line noise makes
code easier to read. And relying on whitespace eliminates a whole
class of C and Java bugs where the code doesn't do what it looks like
it does because the indentation doesn't match the brace structure.
So if the whitespace is scaring you off Python, put that issue aside for a week and try it out. If you use emacs, python-mode helps and is part of the default install. ![]() First, a big raspberry to Real, who posted the full text of my blog post to their marketing site without permission or proper attribution. It's still there, although they've trimmed to a fair-use-sized quote. Second, a thank you to Aaron, who in email pointed out a flaw in my logic. I called the iPod a "jail for music" because Apple makes it hard to copy music out of the iPod. However, I also said "Real has succeeded in unlocking the door". That's not right; Real didn't make the iPod less of a jail. They just enabled another DRM format on the iPod. Not so exciting, really, although I still don't see it as a bad thing. Finally, a theory. I was truly puzzled why people were beating up Real and defending Apple when both parties seem enamoured of DRM technology. Then I got it. Basically, people like Apple more than Real. Even if iTunes has some DRM they've done it in a way that mostly doesn't annoy users (with some exceptions). By contrast Real has a long history history of annoying users with hostile software and proprietary awkward formats. Now their captive users are issuing some payback. ![]() My digital hipster friends have a bit of a double standard around the iPod. The same folks who decry RIAA strongarm tactics and make fun of proprietary music platforms are happy to pay an extra $100 for a fancy Walkman that doesn't let you use the software you want to copy music to it and doesn't let you copy music back out at all (without unauthorized hacks). The iPod is a beautiful piece of design. But it's a jail for music. Real has succeeded in unlocking the door. Why are people beating them up?
Zawodny picked up my post; his blog has an interesting thread
of comments about the issue.
Neverwinter Nights, released in
2002, got a lot of excitement from RPG fans.
But did you know the original game
was released in 1991?
Same concept: online RPG play. Only on the then-private network
America Online. 500 players at once! The 2002 game even looks like the
1991 game, similar perspective.
I found this game in the hysterical anti-piracy video
Don't Copy That
Floppy!. Ironically, online games like they feature are exactly
the kind of game that's nearly impossible to pirate.
I hate InstallShield. It's
big: last I checked it added a meg to the install package. That may be
OK for a CD-ROM but it's unacceptable online. It's slow: it literally
takes minutes to install and uninstall a 100 meg program. How
hard is it to copy and delete files?! And it's funky: do you really
want to use an installer technology that has a freakin training program?
WISE isn't much better.
Installers should be simple. SuperPimp is good. Windows MSI Installer is OK too, but it requires the user already have the 1.7 meg environment installed. And Install Maker has gotten some traction by being simple and free.
I love the Olympic spectacle. But what is with the US uniforms? Brazil
had beautiful green jackets, Estonia had smart white suits, Palau had
cool sarongs. And the US had?
gangster track suits. And they're not even made in the US: they're from Roots,
aka Brand Canada.
![]() I just finished reading Serpent in Paradise, the narrative of an Englishwoman who went to Pitcairn pursuing her fantasies of island paradise only to find cold loneliness as an outsider in a complex, tiny, isolated society. Everything she describes about the island — the gossip, the newspaper, the work, the language, the religion — all seems so alien. Good book. For a taste, read this short article by the same author. Pitcairn is in the news a lot now, the result of child rape charges against most of the adult men on the island. Lots of complications: arguments about British sovereignty, arguments about where the trial will be held, and of course the question of what punishment means in such a tiny community. The effect on the island could be horrible, and the prosecuters have their own issues. The islanders were just told they have to hand in their guns for safety. I'm going to New Zealand in November and am vaguely thinking of visiting Norfolk Island, population 1841. There've been two murders there in the past two years. ![]()
![]() What I like best is how simple it is. The core is a USB flash storage unit. Just plug it into your computer and copy files over, no DRM or software nonsense (screw you, iPod). It doubles as a giant floppy disk. Then plug it into the AAA battery (10-14 hours of life) and the headphones and you've got a tiny music player. The device UI is nice and usable and the sound quality is good. The hardware does feel a bit flimsy, but what do you want at that weight? ![]() There are some good things about CoH. The comic book genre is great: crazy and fun and not taking itself seriously. CoH doesn't license any other comic book IP, so the world is free from past association. And the character costume creation is fantastic, allowing an amazing variety of looks. But the game is hugely boring. It's the exact same level treadmill of every other MMOG I've seen: you're rewarded for time spent mindlessly clicking, not for any decisions you make. The game makes a bizarre design decision to have no items - no loot to find, no objects to show off, no opportunities to customize your appearance over time. The costume creation that's so wonderful at the game's startup is essentially unavailable after you've started *. The environments are boring too, no distinctive landscapes. The worst thing is that CoH totally squanders the chance to have interesting story-telling. The writing is non-existent: as far as I can tell the plot consists of "go here, kill these guys, read a paragraph of boilerplate". Over and over again. Single player RPGs like KoToR or Planescape: Torment tell compelling stories with depth and richness. I understand storytelling is harder in the chaotic genre of MMOGs but please, throw us a bone! CoH does have the virtues of being pretty and mindlessly amusing. But I don't have 10+ hours a week to commit and I have better uses for my $15 a month. I think we're a long way from a really rich MMOG experience. |