![]() I'm shopping for a new car and figured I should make having a reasonable MP3 solution part of the choice. I don't want to buy an aftermarket head unit; I live in San Francisco, things get stolen. I found several trunk mounted hard drive players that integrate in various ways. Do you know of something better?
One of the hidden gems of E3 was the demo of
Engine 3. Unreal is a series of first person shooters that have
beautiful graphics but not particularly subtle gameplay. They
license their engine to other companies that make
Sorry for the blurry picture above, but hopefully it gives you a sense
of the lighting. They have some crazy normal mapping going on with the
monster, then a dynamic lighting model that includes occlusion and
transluceny. Result?
glass zombie, in real time.
If you're into this sort of technology make a point of seeing the video. It's a 160 meg download. Thanks to Ryan for pointing this
The thing I like best about computer role playing games is
the story.
Alas, most CRPG writing is awful. But
does well. They're the spiritual successor to Infocom.
CRPGs have another theme: the acquisition of stuff. You start out wimpy with a tiny little dagger and a loincloth. By the end of the game you're a bad-ass with +7 glowing long swords and titanium power armour. RPG-like games like Diablo make the acquisition of stuff the primary gameplay experience, like clothes shopping with more killing. Which brings me to my idea: how about a game where the goal is not to acquire stuff, but to get rid of it? You start out super powerful with all the geegaws and skullsplitters you could want. In your process of saving the world you learn these things have no power and you have to simplify to find true meaning and technique. It'd require a tricky game mechanic to make work. Maybe in getting rid of things you focus and customize your remaining stuff until you are left with one simple elegant possession which is the focus of your power. ![]()
Hey! Ho! Downward spiral in Iraq? Presidential speech failed to
reassure voters? US military officers torturing
prisoners? Executive branch morally bankrupt? Ignore all that, just
BOLO. What, you don't know BOLO? All the cool kids know: just ask the FBI:
"BOLO"--that's BuSpeak for "Be On the Look Out."
Asked about the timing of his new warnings about the suspects, Mr.
Ashcroft said, "We believe the public, like all of us, needs a
I truly fear for US democracy.
The Newspaper of Record in the US has issued a
retraction of many stories leading up to the Iraqi war.
[The problematic articles] depended at least in part on information from a circle of Iraqi
informants, defectors and exiles bent on "regime change" in Iraq ...
Complicating matters for
journalists, the accounts of these exiles were often eagerly confirmed
by United States officials convinced of the need to intervene in Iraq.
Administration officials now acknowledge that they sometimes fell for
misinformation from these exile sources. So did many news
organizations in particular, this one.
They take broad editorial
responsibility for this failure of reporting and cite
several articles based
on faulty information. Examples online.
This admission is astonishing. Usually it's a single reporter to blame; here the NYT as a whole is saying they got it wrong. This article is an important milestone in the US coming to terms with the fact that the war on Iraq was based on false pretenses.
Why do most programmers still work with 80 column wide screens?
Long variable names are a virtue; most of my Java code really
wants to be 120 columns wide.
Why don't programming languages let me put spaces in variable names? whyDoIHaveToDoThis or_this_crud, why can't I just put spaces in things? for user id in user ids { if is valid user (user id) and is authorized user (user id) { show report(user id) user(user id).bill for report(one dollar) } }I think it's possible to define unambiguous syntax like the above. Not allowing spaces in identifiers may make the compiler's job easier. But the days of worrying about compiler overhead are long long gone.
Update 2004-05-26: Bill Tozier emailed to say that
AppleScript does have spaces in some things, although he warns of
usability problems. Here's an
tell application "Finder" set windowName to name of front window close front window end tellfront window appears to be a single identifier with a space in it. But then again, windowName is camelCase.
From: "Gerardo Weir" <jyyiarimnwzroj@aol.com>
The spam worked, I opened the URL. They claim to be an investment site,
just click on the site and transfer over some e-gold and poof, you get
121% return in 5 weeks.
To: neil@REDACTED.com, nelson@REDACTED.com Subject: Fuck YOU Date: Sat, 22 May 2004 18:23:38 -0500 if YOU WANNA TO LOST UR MONEY ---> INVEST US -->>> http://www.wecareaboutmoney.com/ I know there's a sucker born every minute, but who would fall for this stuff? The particularly remarkable thing is you have to have an e-gold account to even play. Wouldn't you think the few people who have e-gold accounts are likely smarter than to fall for this? Maybe their marks are scammers too and this is all about money laundering.
Since switching to use
an aggregator to read blogs my information gathering life has
improved. I can read more quickly, read more things,
and enjoy easily low-volume sites that have the occasional
high-value post.
But there's one problem with my aggregator lifestyle: it feels like work. Blog reading used to be fun goofing off, nipping off to BoingBoing for a few minutes. Now all my blog reading is compressed into 45 minutes in the morning before I drive to work. It's a morning chore. Worse, my aggregator keeps track of unread items. And that list gets bigger if I don't get around to it for a few days. Suddenly I have a giant backlog of random blog entries I have to read. Another workqueue. ![]()
I've been both horrified and fascinated by the conspiracy theories
surrounding the
beheading video. Kuro5hin has a reasonably level-headed
of discrepancies, found via jwz. See also
this MetaFilter thread.
I'm gonna go all meta, but what I find interesting is what the
speculation says about ourselves.
Today's NYT, a story about
in online job listings.
Ms. Haloulos would accept payment for the software company's domestic
sales, then take that cash out of her PayPal account and wire it, via
Western Union, to the software company's contacts in Ukraine. Ms.
Haloulos would keep 5 percent to 20 percent of the payment as
Unfortunately for the poor Ms. Haloulos, those payments turned out to
be fraudulent. "I feel like an idiot", she's quoted as saying.
Forgive me for being harsh, but, um, yeah. Your "job" consists of accepting credit card payments in a PayPal account, skimming 20%, and then wiring the cash to Ukraine? What did you think you were doing? Here's a hint: payment processing jobs do not involve an individual's private account. And another hint: Ukraine is essentially jurisdiction-free when it comes to the Internet.
I've been grooving on
Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. It's a single player RPG set
way back in the Jedi past.
And unlike other Star Wars games this one doesn't suck: they make
great use of the franchise with
fun aliens,
worlds, lightsabers, lots of use of the Force.
The best thing is that being evil
is a full-fledged option. You
can play to the Light Side or the Dark Side. And it's so much fun
being evil. My favourite moment so far was lying to the Jedi masters
on Dantooine. Fools, they thought I was believing their namby-pamby
balance and harmony crap. I'm just waiting for the Sith to hook me up
with a double-ended lightsaber.
![]() That's why I liked Jackie Brown so much: Tarantino could indulge his obsession to homage while actually telling a meaningful human story. You know what would be brilliant? A Dogme 95 Quentin Tarantino film. Have the filmgeek boy make a movie without all the lighting and editing tricks. Restriction is freedom.
This may not have been the best idea, but I found the
video of Nicholas
Berg on ogrish.com and
watched it. I suggest you think carefully before watching it yourself, it is
more disturbing than you might think.
The difference between the actual video and the limited images in today's papers is astonishing. The newspapers pictures look calm, quiet. The video is swift and horribly brutal. The most disturbing thing is hearing the murderers shout "Allahu Akbar" over and over again. I watched it because I think it's important to view the truth of things. I hate modesty censorship of news. But there are some things you may prefer not to see.
Update: this BBC article
is about the news media's attempts to explain the video
without actually showing it.
![]() But I never quite felt cool enough to listen to Sonic Youth. It was just a bit too raw and punk for my nerdishness. Now I'm an adult and my music doesn't identify me and I'm glad to say Sonic Youth still rocks. Sister, Evol, Dirty, even Washing Machine are all just great. I feel both alienated and hip. I continue to look for a copy of their first album. At this point I'm almost ready to rip an 18 year old cassette tape. The advertisement said the pleasure's everlasting.
The day the
Ladin Determined To Strike in US memo was launched, I looked at
redacted original and wondered how good the redaction really was.
You can see the size and even the shape of some of the words.
Well, someone figured it out: the missing word above is "Egyptian".
John Markoff has
the story. David
Naccache and Claire Whelan did some basic image analysis to figure
out what font the document was in and exactly how wide the missing
word was. Then they did a search over all possible words that would
fit and narrowed the list down from 1530 words to 7 based on
context. Simple, and according to the report almost entirely
The demonstration was at Eurocrypt. Le Monde seems to have the first news report (translation). More: Nicolas, Kos, Slashdot, an earlier deredacting attempt.
If you've bought a PC video card in the last year you owe it
to yourself to get Far Cry, at least
the demo. This is the first game to take real advantage of pixel
shaders and insane polygon counts to deliver fantastic graphics.
![]() Two glitches to be aware of. The copy protection is user-hostile. And on my GeForce Ti4200 the game crashes regularly unless I underclock the video card 5%. Weird thing is it doesn't seem to be heat related. ![]()
Negativland's 1987 song "Christianity is Stupid" was influential for me in high school. The overt anti-Jesus message wasn't
really the point, but rather the ridiculing and reuse of the blatant
propaganda chant "Christianity is stupid / Communism is good".
Now the song has a music video of sorts, The Mashin of the
Christ. Just like Negativland made their mark doing sound collage,
the Mashin is a video collage of Christ and Communist footage from a
variety of
movies. It's quite clever and well done, and more than a bit
disturbing. Polemic image reuse.
Distribution is via BitTorrent
As seen on MetaFilter
Super-cool science:
shear thickening fluids. In particular, see
the movie.
They take a liquid (cornstarch and water) and vibrate it strongly at
60Hz. Then they make a hole in the liquid (via a puff of air) and the
hole stays in the liquid permanently. Even weirder, watch to
the end of the movie; the holes grow and writhe. It's like
is real.
This woman in Haiti is making biscuits. They're beautiful, nicely
formed with a flourish in the middle. They are simple, made of
butter, salt, water, and dirt. Haiti is
The guys who run the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies have posted a
look at their artificial economy. Graphs showing money flowing in and
out, analysis of what it means.
Edward Castranova has some excellent
comments. MMORPGs are a unique economic laboratory.
I got to play with an
display today, fresh from Japan. Not the one pictured
engadget, but the same
It's cool. The most apparent thing is how bright the display is and how it looks good from any angle. Passive lighting is a good thing. The redraw rate is horrible and the algorithm is weird: does some sort of inverting of the screen. This all makes this generation of tech useless for most computing applications. But as an ebook, it's good.
When The Times opts for CD's rather than CDs, it's considered house
style. But if a shopkeeper mislays an apostrophe, the kind of people
who worry about whether anal-retentive has a hyphen are quick to
I'm one of those kind of people and I'm also quick to criticize the Grey Lady's
"house style". CD's and
DVD's are bad enough, but how about the
typographic nightmare of G.I.'s and
C.E.O.'s? Talk about punctuation
proliferation! On the same Op-Ed page as the above article they get
it wrong, writing C.E.O's. Inconsistencies
left and right, who can keep these
rules straight anyway?
I can. The apostrophe rule is simple. An apostrophe never marks a plural. The rule about CEO vs. C.E.O. is less clear. The NYT style guide probably has a list of where you don't use dots. I think it's better to never use dots at all.
Who would have known that
Revenge, one of the best
ever for the Atari 2600, had a
As seen on MetaFilter
I liked Tim's graph
of bloglines readers so I copied him.
![]() ![]() Python makes doing things like this such a joy. Here's my hack code. Ugly, but simple.
Update: the big jump in February Bloglines seems to
be correlated with when I turned on full RSS.