I just bought myself a new tiny digital camera, the
Elph S400. So far so good. 4
megapixels is nice and the user interface has improved noticably over
the old S200 I'd used before.
The feature that surprises me the most for being useful is the TV playback mode. Very comfortable looking at photos on a TV screen, and handy in a hotel room. Trying to find an honest online camera store that will ship quickly and reliably is unnecessarily difficult. I ended up at B&H for rapid shipping. Amazon has it for $480 via J&R.
Why would you perform CPR on someone who's bleeding to death?
Yes, there's a way to
gamble on the war.
TradeSports is running a
futures market on how long Saddam will be in power. The graph below is
the current odds that Saddam will be gone by the end of April. Thanks
for pointing out this is a good 'war mood' indicator.
I've been enjoying playing
Rainbow Six: Raven Shield.
The gameplay is great and the graphics are incredible; some of the
maps are truly beautiful.
But the game makes me so damned tense! I find that's true of many good video games. Hacking Python is more relaxing.
The Smoking Gun has
video and
images of Bush having his hair combed moments before announcing
the start of war on Iraq. Thanks,
I knew I shouldn't have
spoken so soon:
Lisa Rein has
disturbing photos and video
of cops hitting protestors. More on the
BoingBoing discussion.
The White House is vowing a strong retaliatory response after the BBC
aired live video of President Bush getting his hair coiffed in the
Oval Office as he squirmed in his chair and practiced on the
teleprompter minutes before Wednesday night's speech announcing the
launch of military operations against Saddam Hussein.
Story (via
technorati). Anyone have the video?
The San Francisco paper today has
six pages on the protests. 1400+ arrests. Rob Morse's column
describes it best.
It started at 7 a.m. Thursday with an operation as precise as anything
staged by the Special Forces. Platoons of protesters arrived
simultaneously at various intersections of the city and shut them down.
According to the paper Thousands of people roaming the streets in an organized/chaotic way, hundreds of cops doing battle to control the situation. In Portland in the early 90s when this kind of thing happened the cops went apeshit and started bashing heads. In SF it sounds like the police just calmly did their jobs. Could have been a lot worse.
Over 1000 protestors
in San Francisco today. Blocking streets, disrupting traffic,
generally trying to shut things down.
12 years ago, that was me. It's not me now and I'm of mixed emotions. Blocking traffic isn't going to stop the war. But doing nothing encourages complacency. It is wrong that the US is off killing thousands of Iraqis and our biggest concern is which freeway offramp might temporarily be shut down.
I'm at a loss on things to blog, as discussed with
Marc and
I don't want to be a boring warblog, but I can't think of anything
else to say.
Gillmor's own concerns are expressed much more clearly than mine:
Bush and Ashcroft will whack away at liberty for everyday people ...
They will seize on the
sure-to-come domestic attacks to insist that government has the right
to know absolutely everything about you and me, but we have absolutely
no right to know what the government is doing with our money and in
our names.
I've been so upset about the Bush administration's war policy towards
Iraq that I thought I should put my stake in the ground, state my
fears, then re-examine them
one, two, three years from now.
Want to know what contemporary war looks like? Viddy
video (7 minutes WMV, alternate).
It features attack footage from an
AC-130 raid in
Afghanistan. The images are from the gunner's point of view. The
voiceover is remarkable.
Watching the video you have no real sense that there are actual people dying down below. Just little bright blobs on a dark backbground. The soldiers are remarkable, too. So many people involved, so calm! War machine. Listen to the voices at the end:
That one's still crawling there
I know those two guys I saw them flying apart I saw him die earlier Thanks to Diffuse Shadows for the link and Obey the Fist for the video. I think it's interesting how most blogs picking this up are pro-war.
With all of the horror going on in the US government right now,
I figured it was high time to read
1984 again.
Why is the credit card entry usability of ecommerce web sites so bad?
"Enter card number: (no spaces or dashes)" says
the form,
over and over again,
on site after site.
Isn't this what computers are for? Can't the code remove the punctuation for me? And why do I have to tell them whether the card is a Visa, Mastercard, or Amex? The first digits on the card make that clear. It's like the site wants to make it hard for me to buy something. Is this some sort of Visa requirement, to only accept the number exactly as typed by the user?
"Update. Now Serving in All House Office Buildings, 'Freedom Fries,'"
read a sign that Republican Reps. Bob Ney of Ohio and Walter Jones of
North Carolina placed at the register in the Longworth Office Building
food court.
The other day I was picking up my shirts at the Freedom laundry when I met a handsome man with his hair in a long Freedom braid. I invited him back to my house for some Freedom wine and before I knew it we were Freedom kissing. Turns out he's into Freedom active; we had a lovely time and then he left, promising to write me Freedom letters. I sure hope I didn't end up getting the Freedom disease. That'd be doubleplusungood.
One of the niftier DHTML/Javascript hacks out there is
from WebFX.
Just drop some boilerplate Javascript into your HTML and
presto! all your tables are sortable on a mouseclick. This hack has been around
since 1998; they've recently
it, but the old one works fine for me.
I'm looking forward to
Rainbow Six: Raven Shield.
The demos are great.
may finally be the successor to Counterstrike we've been waiting for,
and single player
is a lot of fun.
These Tom Clancy games are creepy military porn. Fans love them for their realistic weapons, tactical planning, corpses, etc. I confess to an uneasy enjoyment of this kind of fantasy. Hitman 2 was awesome. What surprises me is how much of the fan activity for Raven Shield is European. I would have expected something this militaristic would be most popular in the US. Maybe the realism of it turns off American Rambos. PS: Amazon has a $10 rebate.
Congratulations to
Cory for having his
in the New York Times. That's quite an accomplishment for a young
novelist, particularly for science fiction. Cory's the most connected
person I know.
The review is a bit goofy but does have one insight I particularly liked:
his novel's ad-hocracies ... offer a knowing, gently satiric view of a
once ascendant digital culture.
I've been noodling around with doing weblog stats using the
interface to gdchart. I'd forgotten how much fun scripting
languages can be. I can lay down a lot of sloppy code quickly and get
the information I need. So much simpler that the burden of Software
gdchart is good software; simple code to draw graphs and save them as GIF or PNG files. The Python interface makes it really easy to do some serious charting.
gdchart.chart(gdchart.GDC_LINE, (450, 250),
outputBase + ".png", [time.strftime("%m/%d", time.localtime(day[0])) for day in dispReaders], [day[1][0] for day in dispReaders], [len(day[1][1]) for day in dispReaders], [day[1][2] for day in dispReaders], [len(day[1][3]) for day in dispReaders])
The evidence that Iraq has been trying to buy uranium from Niger is a
forgery. Let's ask the expert, Mohamed ElBaradei, head of the
International Atomic Energy Agency:
After three
months of intrusive inspections, we have to date found no evidence or
plausible indication of the revival of a nuclear weapons program in
In the meantime, the US has produced no compelling evidence of the alleged weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Let's ask another expert, Hans Blix, lead UN weapons inspector in Iraq:
I would rather have twice the amount of high quality information about
sites to inspect than twice the number of expert inspectors to send.
Gee, the US isn't helping the weapons inspectors inspect for weapons?
I guess I was nave to think that my government wouldn't just lie about the evidence we claim to have.
Beautiful video by the folks at
for the track Itsu by one of my favourite glitch bands,
Great use of business graphics and texture mapping to make creepy video.
Watch at least the first half; first time this went around the net I
only watched 30 seconds and quit and missed the good parts.
A pox on DRM software, btw - I couldn't get a decent screencapture of the video or even a link to the actual video. Grr.
Biker sandwich: bad
Creepy old sedan: bad Shiny new SUV: just right
I love mechanical watches; beautiful,
precise workmanship,
slightly anachronistic. Thanks to Ken I'm now wearing my
Frederique Constant
watch again. Not quite the one pictured here, mine doesn't
have the date complication. It does have the window into the
movement and a clear back.
The crazy thing about watches is you can easily spend $20,000 on one without getting gold or jewels. Just a lovely skeleton movement or a beautiful A. Lange & Shne 1. The workmanship on the inside is as beautiful as the exterior. Alas, not in my range, so I just read along with the watch geeks.
These two bits of Perl print different things.
print localtime(0);
I'm sure if I were smart enough to use Perl I'd know all about how the
two statements were in different contexts and how it's wonderful that
Perl evaluates things in a context-dependent way because I can do so
many cool things with it.
-> 001631116933640 $now = localtime(0); print $now; -> Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969 I don't want to be that smart to write simple scripts. I started learning Python a month or two ago and I'm a much happier person.
Spurred on by
Tim Bray's
postings, I looked at the access log for my four week old blog to see
what robots were visiting me.
No fewer than 71 different hosts grabbed my robots.txt in eight days. Two creepy ones: NameProtect (trademark enforcement) and TurnItIn (anti-plagiarism). This doesn't bug me too much. I do wonder why some of these crawlers felt it necessary to fetch robots.txt forty times in eight days.
A few year ago I bought a
comic book adapation
of H.P. Lovecraft's
Dreamquest of Unknown Kadath.
I'm a big Lovecraft fan, particularly of his stuff that's more fantasy
than horror. I still remember the day I bought the complete set of
Lovecraft stories published by
Arkham House.
It was my first ever online purchase; alas,
the store has since closed.
The comic is fun - it neatly captures the wonder and mystery of Lovecraft's epic fables. I like the everyman aspect of Mock Man, a nice rendering of Lovecraft's own generic men. The thing that I think is coolest is that in the comic book is a URL and email address from 1997, and they still work! The Bits out of Time.
Yet another Blosxom plugin,
This one lets you write links in your entries like
<a href="asin:B000003RGY">current music</a>
The asin plugin will turn it into
the appropriate Amazon link.
I was prompted to write this by Kottke's post about a change Amazon made to URL formats. Used to be you could go to Amazon, copy the URL for a page, paste it into your blog and slap on your associate ID and you'd get the credit. No more, now you have to construct the URLs very carefully. This plugin makes it simpler. I hope I got the URL format right. I'm sticking in the undocumented ref=nosim - I think it's obnoxious that Amazon defaults my links to 'buy more crap'.
I've released a new Blosxom plugin,
It rewrites URLs in your stories to go through a 302 redirect script
so you can log clicks on your blog that go offsite. Yes, I'm running
this on my own blog.
There's also a new version of the imagesizer plugin to automatically add size tags to your story's images. Thanks to Todd for the Perl-fu to do this more cleanly. Finally, I now have a place for all my Blosxom plugins. Apache stylin! |